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Any Business Can be More Profitible

Marginfinders™ uncovers & releases hidden profitability,

resulting in more profit and more cash!

Let us show you how.


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My MarginFinders Story

Max Toy

Max Toy


Over my career, I have had the opportunity to invest in, serve on Boards of, and act in leadership roles of large and small companies.
While all were tremendous learning experiences, it was as a leader of four startups and four turnarounds, that I learned the “need”, the “power” and the “how” to quickly identify “Hidden profitability”.

We set out to build a company of like-minded executives, from a myriad of industries, who have learned that it really is about profit. Profit drives sustainability, cash flow, investment, recruitment and reward.
Enabling you to maximize your time, satisfaction, lifestyle, and legacy.


-Max Toy, Principal and Founder

The Marginfinders strategy,,, 

Feed the Eagles and Starve the Turkeys

Understand that Not all Revenue is equal

Do you know which products/services deliver higher profits (Eagles)

While others (Turkeys) lose money.

All Revenue is Not Equal


Identify Improve and Track

The Quickest way to make money is to stop losing money

Understand where the profit leaks are in your organization.  

Maximize your Profits, Dreams and Free Time

Improving your business does not need to be limited to major changes.

Even Small changes can have a major impact sources

How It Works

Contact Margin Finders

It can start as simply as a a conversation over a cup of coffee.  

Lets perform a 5 minute profitability assessment to determine what your profitability should be

Identification of Challenges

Harvard, SMU, and Stanford all agree that up to 40% of all business offerings are not profitable. 

Let’s find the “Eagles” in your busniess

Action Plan Review

Put someone in charge of product profitability

Less than 3% of Companies have someone  responsible for profitability on a regular basis.

Lets establish a plan.


Implement, Monitor and Repeat

The Definition of marginal gains is that small yet significant improvements can lead to monumental results.

Lets improve your business and improve it again.

Even small changes can help your business!!


“Max helped us take our thinking to a new level and successfully address some of our greatest challenges.
With his candor, expertise and experience Max Toy was pivotal in the exploration of new ideas, discovering solutions to critical problems, illuminating organizational blind spots, and navigating the road ahead.”

Craig Olson

CEO, Hartfield Resolution Group

“Max Toy’s ability to listen, absorb and analyze allow him to quickly identify and act on key strategic issues. Max has a rare ability to quickly focus in on key strategic issues and provide high-level insights and recommendations.
Max’s shear presence commands respect and he is an example of a true servant-leader who lives by the principle of serving others sans an expectation of anything in return!
I would highly-recommend Max.”

Neil van Hooydonk

Medecon, Inc

“Max Toy and I are friends and colleagues. I have the honor of knowing him well. I have never been associated with a more qualified executive – whether you are talking about his skills in sales, marketing or operations, or a finer, more ethical human being. Max is at the top of our field in accomplishments and deserved respect from his peers. In my opinion anyone who has the opportunity to be associated with him should consider it to be their ‘opportunity of a lifetime’ in terms of learning, fellowship and potential for success in their venture.”

Dennis Cagan

CEO, Caganco Incorporated

“Max is the ultimate entrepreneur. He understands how to quickly evaluate a company and move forward with a plan to achieve success in their respective market. I would recommend Max to anyone that requires his level of management consulting expertise.”

George Eanes

CEO, Tower Oaks Consulting, LLC

“Max sees things others don’t.”

Brad LaPray

Founder & CEO , BiologiQ

“Max is the consummate results-oriented executive but also has a tremendous ability to positively motivate and mentor people in his organizations. He has earned a well-deserved following of employees, co-workers, clients and industry leaders. It would be a pleasure to work with him again – under any circumstances.”

Ron Landthorn

Vice President, Venture Development Rev1 Ventures

“This guy gets things done, no excuses, just results.”

Rob Tribble

CFO, COO , Netscape Domain Expert

“Max Toy knows business! More importantly, Max knows how to start, recover, restore and lead companies. He’s spent most of his life helping businesses gain fresh beginnings, strengthen their management and re-tool their priorities. Max also knows people; he cares about them, and he knows how to lead them. His candid counsel reflects his wisdom, sound judgement and unquestioned integrity. Throughout a distinguished and uncommonly successful career, Max Toy has made a difference in the lives of others — and he’s got the impressive results to prove it. I enthusiastically recommend Max!”

Jack Wyman

Speaker, Educator, Lobbyist, Author

“Albert Einstein once said, “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.”
Max Toy has taken those words to heart as he established his personal brand as one who masterfully executes organizational and product turnarounds. In his approach, he challenges status quo thinking and skillfully reframes paradigms, recasts vision, and then institutionalizes the discipline of execution.
Max is one of the few leaders effective in employing both the art and science of leadership to drive outstanding results. I highly recommend Max Toy.”

David Stroud

Executive Pastor, Elevate Life Church


Margaret Hughes

Field & Channel Marketing Programs, Dell Americas

“Max has a remarkable ability to shadow a CEO and ask those annoying and on-target questions about how we use our time, what we focus on and redirecting us to look to the horizon and not on the bunker in front of us. Max has the talent to nudge us to do what we know we should be doing and to delegate the urgent to those around us. We all do it and we need a Max to laser us in on what we should be doing with a question, a quiet suggestion or on occasion, a good hard shake. I highly recommend that you consider having Max do this for you. It helps keep you and your business moving in a direction and in the right direction.”

Michael Lanham

COO, Learning Forward

“Exceptionally creative and goal oriented, Max brings excitement and energy to every position and task undertaken. Max creates dimension to each opportunity he engages and those who work with him, enjoy the challenges.”

Joe Semany

President, CoreComp Consulting Inc.

Contact Us Here

Make more money, within your existing business!

Marginfinders™ uncovers how! 


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